![]() Nous vous attendons à Krems, Autriche, pour les 25, 26, 27 octobre /We are expecting you at Krems, Austria, for the 25-26-27 October /Σας περιμένουμε στο Κρεμς, Αυστρία, στις 25-26-27 οκτωβρίουOnline Registration https://forms.gle/x8TC3Zt6EtyTpHwWA Soumission de communications / papers’ submission: contact@pierreseche-international.org Inscriptions et séjours/ inscriptions and accomodation: dws-congress2025@wbs-krems.at Information diponible aussi /Information also available at: |
The 28th April 1997, an informal reflection group constituted during the 5th international congress on dry stone held at Imperia, Italy, in October 1996, held a meeting at Le Val (Provence, France) and created the: “Société scientifique internationale pour l’étude pluridisciplinaire de la Pierre Sèche”.
On August 2nd 1997, the Society was officially declared in the government journal of France (according to laws of 1901 and 1941 : no incidence of the nationality for the quality of partner or member of the board)
Since then, the SPS keeps the links alive … among researchers, craftsmen, societies and particulars.
On November the 28th, 2018. The Unesco decided the inscription of the Art of dry stone walling, knowledge and techniques on the list of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. You can see here the decision and the official convention.