Partners and Colleagues
Association Sa Medera constituted to work on the dry stone cultural heritage in the Ogliastra province (site in Italian)
Association A.S.E.R. constituted in 1977. Works since on the cultural, historical and natural heritage of the Var departement in France, also of Provence and the mediterranean area. (site in french)
Fédération Suisse des maçons de Pierre sèches FSMPS
Schweizerischer Verband der Trockesteinmaurer SVTSM
Fédération professionnel FFPPS
Fundació El Solà, C/solà, 23, 13781 La Fatarella, Catalunya, Spain
Froidevaux, Claude, High Languedoc et Provence Rhodanienne
Association de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine des Hauts Cantons de l’Hérault, 28 Chemin des Barraques, 34480 Laurens, France
Juvanec, Borut, Slovenia and adriatic area
Faculté d’Architecture, Zoisova 12, Ljubljana 1, Slovenia
Steiger Mathias, Switzerland
FAFE, Section Murs de pierres sèches, Lilienweg 19, 3007 Berne,
Schegk Ingrid, Bavaria
AM Hofgarten, 4 – D 85354, Freising (Bavaria), Germany
Drystone Walling Association of Great Britain