S.P.S. Members of the Board

President: Michelangelo DRAGONE

Michelangelo Dragone

The composition of the new Board and the distribution of positions are as follows:

Ada Acovitsióti-Hameau (General Secretary), Thierry Bourceau (Treasurer), Filip Bubalo (Joint Secretariat), Michelangelo Dragone (President), Kostantinos Markakis (Joint Secretariat), Amandine Schaus (Joint Secretariat), Antonia Theodosiou (Vice-President); this distribution was adopted at the Council meeting held immediately after the Assembly.

The Board of,the SDS elected the 7 October 2023
from left tin,right: Antonia Theodosiou, Cyprus – Ada Acovitsióti-Hameau, France – Thierry Bourceau, France – Michelangelo Dragone, Italy – Amandine Shaus, Belgium – Kostantinos Markakis, Greece –
on the separate photo: Filip Bubalo, Croatia – absent, represented
The elected SDS Board with the hosts of the Goult Congress and members of the society.